I had a great time performing and working with students!
Great to visit Professor James Campbell and the UK Percussion Studio !
Masterclass and Recital at Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. It was great to visit with the Dr. DiSanza and the percussion studio !
Thanks, Jon Szanto for sending this picture of the LST Philharmonic 'Grandioso' at Carnegie Hall with the San Diego Symphony ! "Mark, I hope things are going swell for you at PASIC. Just wanted to forward this photo. I was so happy to have the Grandioso on tour with the San Diego Symphony: Carnegie [...]
NEW! The first-ever collection of recital repertoire for triangle soloist. Sounds, Shapes, and Synergy is a collection of eight pieces, each written by a different composer. Triangle/s are the main focus of each composition. Difficulty level is from high-school through professional. 8 pieces. 61 pages. Includes soundscape CD.Composers include: Jason Baker, Mark Berry, Michael Bump, Dave Gerhart, Payton MacDonald, Jonathan [...]
NEW! Barrel-style triangle beaters Living Sound triangle beaters - LS3 and LS4 Living Sound triangle beaters. Triangle beaters in the sizes you need and want the most. Looking for barrel-style beaters? Look no further. The LS3's and LS4's feature heavy brass beaters on quality stainless steel handles. The handles have a slightly thicker diameter, allowing for secure, [...]